You are a laser operator. Your job is to intercept th z to Command HO. A vital rode message is expected. lfyou e v it correctly, the Robotattack dl] be crushed. This game tests your skill at »membering a group of LLLLI RN ebitikibiatit la HHHH arij; : ij ' | letters which you see for only a very KW short time. The computer will ask you for a difficulty from 4 to 10. When you have typed in your answer, letters will appear top left of your screen and disappear again fairly guickly. Memorize them and then type them into the computer and see if you were right. 41.4 va How the program works 4010 CLS screen before game starta 20 PRINT "VITAL MESSAGE" "HOW DIFFICULT? (4-10)" mlaka pou fora "Aifacuhy mumber" and D puta . 60 IF D<4 OR D>10 THEN GOTO 40 om Check your number izn't less than 4 or more than 10. JO LET "-— lj — 80 FOR I<1 TO D skKRAO09O0 LET M$