| | V rni book contains simple games "TE ia Maia KA mai at Ra i About This Book programs to play ona microcomputer. They are written for use on ZX81, ZX Spectrum, BBC, VIC 20, TRS-80 and Pet and Apple micros, and many are short enoughto fit into the ZX8]'s IKof memory. Most micros use the language BASIC, but they all have their own variations or dialects. In this book, the main listing for each program works on the ZX8]1 and lines which need changing for the other Computers are marked with symbols and printed underneath. The fact that the programs are written for several micros means that they do not make full use of each one's facilities. You could try finding ways of making the programs shorter and neater for Your micro. For each game, there are ideas for changing and adding to the programs and towards the back ofthe book you will find tips and hints on writing games of your own. Also in the bookisa conversion chart to help youadapt programs in magazines and other books for your micro and a summary ofthe BASIC terms used in this book. Typing in the programs Lines which need changing for computers other than ZX81 are marked |. with these symbols: " same symbol and type that in instead. a VICand Pet 4 BBCand Acorn Electron e TRS-80 6 Arple s ZX Spectrum Every time you see the symbol forthe micro you are using, look below forthe 7 corresponding line number with the Points to remember 1 Type the lines exactly as they are printed includingall punctuation and spaces. 2 Press RETURN, NEWLINE or ENTER key at the end ofeach program line. 3 Check each line as you go. 4 Make sureyou don't miss out alineor confuse one with another. A piece of paper or a ruler is useful to mark your placein the listing. 9 Look out for the symbols and make Sure yOu use the correct lines for your computer. 6 If you are using a ZX81 or ZX Spectrum, remember not to type the program instructions letter by letter butto usethe special key for each instruction instead. You may find it easier to get someoneto read the program out to you while you type itin. Don't forget to explain thatthey must read every comma, fullstop, bracket and space and differentiate between letter "O" andzero, FORand4, and TO and. Debugging programs When you havetyped in the program, check your manual to find out how to display it onthe screen. (Usually you type LIST followed by the line numbers ofthe section you wantto see.) VIC 20 versions of all except the graphics program should workon Pet computers. e—————o — Check you have typed everything correctly. It is easy to make mistakes, so expect to find some. Use Your manual to find out , how to make changesto » the program once:itiis typed in. If in doubt, you can always type the line again. All the computers will replace an existing line with a new one with the same number. Here isa checklist of common mistakes to look out for: l Line missed out 2 Line wrongly numbered 3 The beginning of one line joined onto the end ofanother. especially in long, complicated lines. Watch for double brackets in particular. 3 Wrongline used for your computer. 6 Letter "O" confused with zero. 1 Wrong numbers used, e.g. extra zeros included. Playing the games To start the game you must type RUN. In some games things happen very guickly, so make sure you have readthe instructions and know what you are supposed to do. It is guite likely that the program still a, či tj ) d has a mistake in it and either won' ste] at all or the game won't work property. ič | | Sometimes your computer will give you an error code which you can look upin the manual. This may help you findthe mistake, though not always. List the program again and check it carefully against the book. When the game is over, the computer will usually say something like BREAKIN LINE 200. To play again, you have to type RUN. Experimenting with the games There are suggestions for changing and adding to the programs throughout the book, but don't be afraid to experiment with changes of your own. You can't damage the computer and you can always change back to the original ifthe changes don't work. You will probably find you want to adjust the speed of some games, | especially after you have played thema | number of times. You will find out which line to charige on each program page. Wherever you see PRINT, you can change the message in messages. Typea line number (say 105 if youwant to add a message between lines l00and 110), then type PRINT, then your message inside guotes. Ifyour computer can make colours and sounds, you could use your manual to find out how they work and try adding them to the games in this book. rar