COMPUTER a MILECAMLJI Daniel lsaaman and Jenny Tyler Contents 2 Aboutthis Book 4 Robot Missile 6 The Vital Message 8 Shootout 10 Desert Tank Battle 12 Battle at Traitor's Castle 14 Robot Invaders 16 Secret Weapon 18 Escape! 20 Pirate Dogfight 22 Supersonic Bomber 24 lceberg 26 TheWall 30 Missile!: TRS-80 version 31 Missile!: $BC version 32 Missile!: ZX Spectrum version 33 Missilel: VIC 20 version 34 Missile!: Apple version 35 Missilel: ZX81 vefsion 36 Adding to the programs 38 Writing your own programs 40 Summary of BASIC 46 Conversion chart 47 Puzzle Answers lllustrated by: Rex Archer, Jim Bamber, Tony Baskeyfield, Martin Newton and Graham Round Designed by: Graham Round and Roger Priddy Robot Invaders program by Bob Merry First published in 1982 by Usborne Publishing Ltd, 20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BJ (O 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd