:. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPECIFIC LOCATIONs SEA OF SAND. .. UNDERGROUNO SWAtp GOLD MINE "BRIDGE OVER ABYss" and "TEMPLE MAZE" "ROOM OF PITS LOROS OF CHAOS . THE BLACK CRYSTAL Use Keys 1 to 8 to move (Diag 3). Use Keys 1 tc 8 te move (Oiay 3). Use Keys 5 to 8 for gold Diag 2). Beware of tools go'd a::d the terrible flesh eating rock snakes, . . Use Keys 5 to 8 to meve (O.ag 2]. Use Key.0 to use your Swvord. Use Key Z to fire lightning bolis, Fire breathing dragons hunt - YOU down across tte bridge through the Maze, Your strengih and spiritua! power will not be "eplaced untit you make it brough the maze, Use Keys 1 to 3 to move (Drag 3). Reach the exit on the other side of the room while tryrrg to avoid the pits. To make it mare difficult Sirens will appear and draw you off Course, When a Siren appears only ONE Key witi control your mcsements and that Key will be between 5 and €, |tr's Up tO you to find which one before the sirens claim another victim. Use Keys 1 to 8 ta move (Drug 3. This is a strategy Same. You make your move and the Lords o! Cttags make theirs, Use Key Oto drop tke tire ring. Use Key P ter power search, You must lead ihe Lords o! Chaos Over the fire ting to banish them. | they sce the ring they. will throw it across the'room, You can pick up the ring by passing it or using Power search which. wili pick it up from anywhere on the hoards, Bewsre o! Death do not move directly tewards him or you might gaze on his face and no mortal will live after it, : Use Keys 1 to 8 to move (Diag 3]. Use Oto dropa ring.: Use T to pick up a ring. - The Black Crystal is surrounded by pedestals. To destroy the crystal You must place a ring on each pedasta!. URA The Black Crysta' is not defenceles$ and can knock the rings off or kili you. aj SLO MM tarna oma na - nemo oman Giba - o > s a nn € A a ane ovaj o oe a te