A — a o nj SAVE GAME ROUTINE: MAP 1 ' MAP 2 MAP 3 /MAP 4 Mob 48 2ZX81 only Ersh program Čontdins a s $2V8 rOutine with Sibgle key sections of the z" Tao Word Command Seguerces af te te Must type ia "SAVE" then bress "ENTERY, ODETAILS OF EACH PROGRAM a ". «ev commands, a'e ret allowed, sa Veu are being chalfenged by a monster, H yošr Toket: stops to look to tke bottom of the screen ČSDlay to see if You are under aetack, Thn manster battles are in real tine so you must be Gu:ck. The Computer does not wair fer Yvu to respond, You can respond by hitting Keys A.R, U PA,L ZB (sec Drag 4), For Fxample: Key P allov.s YOU to swerve, Keco your finigers off the keys until you hava ČeCi ded which key to press, The Computer teacis almost immediatety tO vor input. Kvep the key pressed until the computar rezets to it. Snecitum owners have the added feature of an aud:ble Warning when a monster ehaltenges them. They also have an ever changing difficulty level from Misfit to Demi-God. To. holis the three floors of the Cast!e of Shadows, Te style of plav is similar to Map 1 but this tima s 5u Have the added difficulty of finding Your way: 1" Dutih teuret passages and an lnvisible baze: VULE SMAGGOTHS LAIR", This section of the Z sest introduces a more traditiona! style 9f adyen. tote Fiaytng, By using one word or two word S TMmands or numbers when asked for numbers. dve routine, This allov;s »ODG to save the Game part way through, To use ne Progt iin $. real-time Seguences), you oniy have to press Key S on your CoMputer, To use the SIV FOLtne Bio.aji Kiki '3 SHOW$ you a Map of the Kingdom of Berotn, Š"essing arrow Keys 5 to 8 will al!!Ow you to move ž'2und the screen, (Oiagran: 2), Ynere are two "EŠSG5S Va5Y your token naY not respond to your ' You are Uying to enter an area in which you s . sš, Di VR S ENEM zosu - oe uma nan.