. "8 Deman by Obias and 8 tempie buiir .- Mis honour, A great tower wze štUnii ra Pages NITI Black Crystal and throuch Pe Centuries ig g'ew in St cagtn, Primja v, hss foliowers tost their men; bodies, but there shade, and haunt the Cursed lana. After leaving Berotn, Gr:z Moved North ta the Palace of the Veža o! the Moste Y$ stari "Dhačie The Castte found that Whseh j teli YCG "ža and V bid yoy Pay heed to what 4 say: € rinos of Creaton ,,- £5 placed in brecise locatron ŠTOUNŠJ zhe force of evit vvili banish it from Cur <" verse, Gora dWsaits You, co now," : he 4Pbarition has cone. H Black Crystal is a Multi Pe ddventure. To begin YOur guest Load "Map UGA This Program ;s Your doc-azy into the Other nap Sčetions, When VOUr screen disnlay 9sks "na You v,a-. fO starta new Adventure Press Key Y to answer Yes. When YOu are $UCCE::i: ,, entering the Shaygoths lair, Castle, Temnpte or Tower YOU wilt be Girer z "E"otence AUMber ana a Map Niaber, To Continue Your ddventure find dod iza> the Program With the file name šhat Matches tke Map Auinber (see diag ih, vet en the next Program is loddeg the COmputer will favourite PAFtS of your Ad,s-:,ea Over again Without starting trom Map (, At various times duririg ee z šŽcenture YOU will be "etutning to btap 1, Each time iti 8Sk you if Ydu Wan: .. Stat a new ddventure, Unlike the first time, yoy Will now type N tor no, T-, TOM puter wili 3Sk yoy fer a map reference number 8d yov "US repegt the KIS oaduyure Outlineg above, WARNine. ZX81 owners C2 not use RUN, Using FUN Vili etegr IMportant Vatiables held in Memory, s : | - PUnatry, This is an impoa-, Value, When You are killed the Wizard Gora can 'ESurrect You by bringing VSE Eaek to SasiCtuary, but Only € yoyr Putity fedding Š$ Greater than čero, Yoy lcig Durity Points by Using spetig that yoy MigGHt find OD your Guest or by Using tez help of the Oracle Ženobie, na PtiYsicag STRENGrTu; 5 need this lO use yoyr Physical WesPons (Sworg, ti URH SPIRiITUAL STRENGrn; Y za need this to Cast Spetts (Lichtning, Power drain €::). Using "Listini 9" and "Power drain"" witi not kali! YOur purity level, zana ea