- — O o an The valley was named Beroth by the elves, The land was gifted with the most fertile svit on Earth but the MeMOry of Evil was ttched into Ettin Pcoplus hogrts A none would' settle there, Man was less sensitive and Beroth became tke tichest of his Kingdoms, W3S tomos as a place of learning a the wise Met regularly in th Sreat hali of Monmouth, within the toyal castle, in their keeping the Council held five of the ting5 of creation, The sixth "ing, the Fing Of time, was wedged in solid rock dve2 within an underground labyrinih Ht vaš found by the leader of the Shaggoths, Creatutes brought to earth by the Lords of Chaas to fight in the battle of tke Angels. He Promptly claimed it XS his and declared himsetf King Shaggoth and holds ke tabyrinth 85 his Kingdom to this day, i The seventh fing, the Ring of Fire,. was worn by Mendas eighth Kins. of Beroth, | Gora was twelye Years of age when the Shadow returneg to Beroth. Me was: apprentice to the Wizard Nemor, supreme Councillor of zhe Wwise. Gora befriended Prince Tobias, son of Mendas and beir to the throne of Beroth Tobias desired the knowledge that Gora had been taught, He a;sproached the council ang legutsted entrance to the Brotharhocd of Wi zatds but Nemor lookeg ivto his heart arid saw tbatit Was tilicd with ag Just for Power. Rejected, Tobias turneg to Gora for help, Gora berrowed fgr him ancient bcoks and MANUSCiptS that held dark Secrets which ke knew nothing of. Bug soon Tobias tired of the weak' fnagic that Gora could tech him and he €xperimented with ancient spelis, One €vening, as all Cr?ation stent an UNstural Sce2, he Conjured to himself the Fire Demon, tt taught him a formula that Promised. power and knowiedga even the vtise did not Undei stacd, Tetias, blinded aganst the dangers of meddliag in the black A't5, used the formula, (t Created for him a small crystat of Concentrated evil, Tobias Made sacrifices of stal animals to it and the crystal began to G'Ow. Little time pa:sed before the Cyrstal was large enough to influence the Prince's thoughts and Movements, Like 3 pupDEt, undar the Cover 6! darkness, Tobias Crept up to his father's bedside and thrust his dagser deep into the old King's heart, The Crystal grew, . With the Gowning of Tobias evit had indirectly Gained control over Beroth and the ring of fire, Soon the Crystai"s influence vas so Widespread that it Controlled most of tke PopUtation of the castle, Foresecing the danger Nemor summaoned Gora to a Meeting of the council and presented him with one of the tings of €reation. To 2ach of four riderg awaiting in the Courtyatd, Nemor gave al50 a ring and the instructigns to tide in different directions and take tha rings from this land, To Gera he bade farevicil and departed with the rest of his Order, Tearfully Gora Mounted his hofse and (led the castle, [t wos a day's ride to the NOUntains in the soyth and once there Gora thousht he would be sate but Nemor had not known the rings of creation call to eazh other and ezn only be S? Darated by a sinali distanca, in the hands of men, None of the rinys coytg leave Beroth without the others, Gora turned and headegd home but the roads to the castle had already become . dancerous, Armics of Trolis patroiled the roads killing and eating unwary travellers, Gora was forced to turn east to dispose of his ring in the swamp, The nd the counei! gf | - i m a aa] sa ma ne ni, sko tea si <, m na nana v