o ZN S A s a o o om te on a mn am omen > z ni teve za z a —emm m. som ema v ana . PM h k "PREMA PAČ TNI Ze ta ze ione ve v 9, . . A brilliant apparition 2ppears before you, it is one of the seven great Lords of light. He speaks: "Before creation there existed a single sphere of energy afloat.in a vast time. le:5 void. Within this sphere developed an intelegence that was alone and withsu: PurpoOse, | set itself a task to forge the ring of creation but in so doing it c. eated an imbalance, The sphere split asunder and the intelligence Was parted into tva €305s, gaod and evil. Evil Corrupted the ring and used it to give birth to seven angcels of darkness, the Lords of.Chaos, To lessen the Corruption of the great firg the power of light separated it into seven rings, To wield the povrer of the rings seven Lords of Light were born, They took the rings and with them created worids and on those worlds were sown the seeds of life, Evil followed creating its own bizarre life forms, Gn the plenet of the first born, the planet Earth, the Lords of Chacs built a fortress named Ny'Ugal. To men it was known as tke tov;crs of dread. Within its dark walls evil took upon a form. tt fed on hatred ' end fear, its shadow Orowing until it filled the fortress, None could withstand its povver and both men and elves were enslaved, Their task of creation completed, the Lords of Light returned to Earth ard there met in battle with the Lards of Cheos, The dark Lords and their evil force večere driven back into Ny'Ugal. Togather, the Lords of Light removed their ring snd hurled them at the fortress, An explosion followed that threw mountains asunesr and created a valley that concezled the rings, The Lords of Chaos were banisked beyond our universe and for a thousand years peace prevailed upen the Earth, . : nam