s ,."I v % » m « ' m . . . s dih | 4% LOADING A PROGRAM a 4 v - ' . ; V . e " »Y | : . CA . x uda" "a . va v f u " 4 - ( 1 4 n, ' dd J 1 " Ki ." . " bad 4 4 sa j Mu , o . se € . y 4 - s J | ' nit. VEREKEH — The procedure for loading s program is described in s, PE» ve | ie zi | Ma a TI MNE, D.O ba. chapter 20 of the Spectrum manual. The steps are % mi ke A (Si a! 4 ] | | J , 4 - ) Mami a ete Maia PREO AM | ga. VO 1. Connect the ser socket on your Spectrum to the sar ki ONkRRAKeiŠea o: 4 J S ai Ja | 4 K socket on your cassette recorder. ot Vka SiREAt: ič ai di REIKI | EN 2. Position the tape before the beginning of the ZNAK RAM UER LI. an Ne DER, dai bejiši SA O 3. Turn the volume control to % of maximum or to s AidleKt S ze nage ONA S. Mae ani Nj, Sla BA uci ME da: FE ENE pt gi Tasič Koda poveča d | 4. Type LOAD "PROGRAM NAME" and press ENTER. ini: okčsibontd ke m dt Sob, Mota Ee aa pa The program name is printed on the cassette. SIDE A: CHESS 4: ja SU . 1 moj" sa 4 ana ka. a k ef aa v. | 46x 1 4 | Kača pre nI rt stri aka AA BE, o Start the cessette recorder playing. Loed and run by typing LOAD "CHESS" | t ia sv. L. ' nn ; A. ai vii s. . s MIA pe tz 2 » bud 6. Press any key. Atter the with s Weid ovt tor sz iaW a Pa, nad" - 1 , Vok Zali bdi, loading, chessboarc ; a Make nč he BER 8 bi ata ge the beginning of a gane wili sutomaticaty sposar. PRrabkicao: AVI ns Ed RR, <<. | seo; TON cessettes for the Sinciair ZX Spectrum are -— The program will ask the user whether he want to play sTeni Mota MA Sa Ja Ee | Ade ge designed to load over g wide en ona ae SAJE pedi koje Mi a Je »sy range of volume and or set up the board diHerentiy. Press P to plav. The umer Set SKTE Sage: k | y, N | | z ' a šT$. p VOUur tape recorder. M vou have any wili then be asked what colour he woukd like to plev. Tevel ZRN s ane ee " tape recorder are guita slan Lee pinch roller of your "Press W for white end 8 for biack. Finsiiy the levai of dij, | k! psici kader Purpose are widely : Clesning kite for this | plav is reguested. Press a number trom 0 10 9. Umusiiy it TEŠAII čne -—— — SA, (la sufficient to play st one of the lower levela | | (0 to J, say) for a rapid response to moves. The positiona of the pieces on the bosrd sre defined by using the modern sigebraic notation. The columna on the board are labelled A to H and the rowa | to 8. White Oueen's rook ia siways the vouare A] in the mna! sot-up. The rows and columna on the board are lsbeled CHESS is s machine code program which sutomaticaliy sterts executing once it is losded. - . v ."- o roten oa norem — 7 — ! . v . 4 Ne." aa MLA bi SOFTWARE BY PSIONr'e: pa sen MICRO GEN la!tes enter move, type the coordinates |cohymn tolowed by row number) ol the sgusre ol the pmece vou want to move tollowed by the coordinataa o/ me avla to which yoy wish to move it. No delimtar batwean v