out a particular data-field to apply. If the SELECT is to apP "ENTER", otherwise press y to any field press key to move the cursor king out or finding of a particular set of -—..č rt carried out by comparing the data-fields with a "string" of characters which the user defines. Having defined the appropriate data-field the command box wlil change to allow the user to return vo the main commands and leave the character string selected for sli subseguent operations of LIST, PRINT, ORWARD, BACK or RESET. This enables the user to a , izdok SDEA H LA sa reguired data-field as before, After pressing ENTER the V search mode command box will appear at the top of the tet. — screen, Different racords can now immediately be NM sEa Yo ". a | | accessed by simply entering an appropriate character — string followed by ENTER. By this means individual ' records can be found efficiently. — inform and Auit —— Information on the status of the file can always be "obtained by pressing the key ("T"Tor INFORMJ k — This information includas the number of data-fislds in each record, the number of records in the file, the current ordering being used and the extent in which the S file is full. To return to the main command point a0Y KOV. z to return to the main menu to save the file press the — O" for "OVIT'! In may cases it may be necessary to — ormat the file for printer output in a different way from že ihe record format on the screen. This is to avoid using ubi — an excessive amount of printer paper. To format records for the printer enter the option 3 from the main menu Bo when you wili be asked to lay out the record for the — printer in a manner precisely the same as for the record bi lay out on the screen. You can achieve this more -— compactly through option 3. - soes:-GAZETTEER . Run by typing LOAD "GAZETTEER" ra a ba Me... — "GAZETTEER'" is an example of the application of VU- —— FILE. The word GAZETTEER means a geographical V. dictionary and the file GAZETTEER is a file of records -—— forevery country in Europe. (16K Spectrum), or in the biu world, (48K Spectrum), giving the name of the country, —— the capital city in that country, the main language ——- spoken, the currency used and other information. This kov file can be interrogated and manipulated with all the —— commands of VU-FILE. ža vo en; NDS FOR ni. JA oh A — Alter the current Move backwards one record Copy the current record to the Delete the current Enter a ne n m w racord ova fonward One record from the Current racord Informatio oters of the -— Nata a 9 — oe m ce