Sinclair ZX Spectrurn with 18K or 48BK RAM VU-FILE trem PSION % Load and Run by typing LOAD "'VU-FILE" At both home and work we continually use lists, card indices, filing cabinets etc. to store in an ordered manner repetitive data for all kinds of information. In the home this includes address books, lists of members of clubs or societies that we may belong to, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. At work, schools, colleges, businesses and particularly government departments have numerous filing cabinets and card | indices for all manner of information. VU-FILE is a computer program for the electronic | storage of lists or files based on the Spectrum. The edvantage of a computer for doing this is not only that | the information can be stored easily and compactiy, but particularty that the computer is very powerful in ordering, seguencing, searching, finding and listing such files. The file consists of a collection or lists of "racords"'' where each record may contain various items of information. Each item of information on a record is called a "data-fleld': VU-FILE allows You to lay out or format the standard record of a particular file in a manner of your own choosing. Each record will Bppear 8s one page on the screen and you may have as many data-fields in each record as is Consistent with your lay- Out on the screen. After laying out or formatting the record a whole series of commands allows you to aaa ara aa develop the file and interrogate it, in, sa ve it from the cassatte for sibsenu "8settes ang Throughout VU-FILE you will find oa Use, information heading in the top four lines Spedni Or This heading continualiy Prompte you as to 8 eCreen, under which you are acting. The res k tofth always shows the general or current konte ete After loading the program from a Virgin or originaj Cassette, choose the option to enter a new file, Formatting a Record initial option o the user or format standard headings, titles, colour nale to format the general record as he wishes. hiš SE ) On entering, a red cursor sguare will be situated in the 7 top left-hand corner of the record. The keyboard may be used as a simple typewriter to enter standard titles. and headings. In addition the cursor may be moved. more rapidly around the screen with the aid of the arrow keys. Only information which is fixed or repeated on s. every record should be entered at this stage. The colour. for paper and ink can be varied throughout the record. layout by pressing "EDIT", (caps shift with key"1"). The current attributes will be displayed and may be sitered. When the standard information has been entered the user may exit from this mode with the "STOP" command (shift A). After oxiting from the RECORD LAY OUT mode the Il inmediately enter a new mode called | A new command heading will appear at the top of the screen. The mode allows the user to define the positi n where he wishes to lace variable information items. For example, if a file hi "MA s ose, might show the word ""NAME:" levi re the ka particular name "a ROWN JOHN goro record. The letters "NAME: would have been in the record lay out mode and are fixed on overy nar" record. The letters "ARROWN JOHN" area nosa and vary from one record to another. The usar m s specify the position on the record where the data- (e.g. "BROWN JOHN") is to appear, namety nie "NAME:" Move the cursor sguaro with the arrow keys to a position immediately after "NAME:" and press ENTER at the correct position. Youodiba maca. efine the r and ink colours tor The pot tion of the data field will now be marked with 45] Continue to define the position of data-fielc You reduire on the record. Press the command "STOP" to exit. VU-FILE Commands — After exiting from this mode the vvilf automatically enter the main VU-FIL (option 1 from the main menu). The main cormmands available to the user are ENTER, ALTER, INFORM, FORWARD, BACK, RESET, ORDER, SELECT, AUIT, LIST, PRINT, COPY, DELETE. H the file is empty, the ENTER command will automaticelty be attected. Most of these commands are self-explanatory and can be implemented from any point of VU-FILE (under option 1) by typing the first letter of each command. Entering, Deleting and Altering Records From the command point press k to enter a new rec ' 4 a blank record with the standard titles and heaadings which have been entered previously. The red cursor box will be situated at the position for the first data-fietd. You may now simply enter the information for the fiald and for the record that you regulre. In the example included on side B of the cassette ''Gazetteer'" the first item of fixed