- IH ;%. | —im a! —— || mur Sincleir KI. —e o" Net Y VAJA av VA ZX Spectrurn Ma pa X kO tru VA išči: NAča Z pi with 18K or 48K RAM 1 [Ra sise NAME dio % MANA : VU-FILE ka 4 4 v V a "a d : . . z -- - a tise" 4 4 A % A - "ua v i A LA | k k li H «. ' . mii> % , Mi 4 i - 4? " b 4 4 k ose di ž ga -u s m v | k . Pa o? .? . ul ha x v KA IV. x H - > .. « V ia. $ vh um x 8 k ni ni | < ni - m J "x v — ' . 4 me be $ x. , . m va, " 4 . . . St no - | « » . pa % ts - s 4.4. 4 " nered, -. udi. h VE b %a a 3 . . UJ H ta v v i a b 4 ; NM po JA) k na , na — S Z — tud ZA 4" " ad? . ur . a... m h se --—- VU-FILE A general purpose (ihng system - dn essential software package fot every a " " pi i 4 pad, — se a ERA ee no ERI ER s in, VARA | | iIndices, filing cabinets etc. to store in an ordered ni ae ME RA S EME, aH — manner repetitive data for all kinds of information. tej m ERA Sn ie 4% au REJE in the home this includes address books, lists of er a, $ iSi nini od ie members of clubs or societies that we may belong to, ARA, Sje a AA A NJA zidŠ | dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. At work, schools, mia: Bi o EEA S OR a Ba colleges, businesses and particularly government o ARE aa ML ASA — departments have numerous filing cabinets and card MI ni (Eda, zopa $ | indices for ali manner of informatior. Ze a bi Ni ne VU-FILE is a computer program for the electronic AN A A EEA Č£0.—%, storage oflists or files based on the Spectrum. The evi z EI Si, idaš ami odvantage of a computer for doing this is not only that FAT de iča the information can be stored easily and compactiy, but a M.; | particularly that the computer is very powertful in ordering, seguencing, searching, finding and listing such files. h -. The file consists of a collection or lists of "records olati 4 Most: where each record may contain various items of PEKI JU ae RE EEREEAE.T— information. Each item of information on a record is | adii dzrtii nora a NA — called a "data-field': VU-FILE allows you to lay out or Pri de 4 SEPT — format the standard record of a particular file in a See. | manner of your own choosing. Each record will appear as one page on the screen and you may have as many | 8 -i RI, Load and Run by typing LOAD "VU-FILE" Spectrum owner. | Moč ič also GAZETTEER BM | av Use for names ani : Mel O eo SO z b.% REV oa k At both home and work we continually use lists, card addresses, club mi | » sat ria ena ee, membership records, | catalogues, dianes, accounts and lists of all kindš, Many teature$ include formatting, packed records to maximise storage, enter, search listand print commands.. - Gazetteer on side B is a useful example including essential! informatuon on Že every CoUNty ini the world, (d8K z... Ce Spectrum], pr". Europe, 11bK--. RESEN o -. .", x bam . TRSTA ni 4 LE Ne a, 75 1 a K geo PIA « MIK: nj a A ij .-. pra ii s" zar > — H —-o % dd4ll4ZWY9OSID J1-NA "x. . ni s A J < 4 ; ši. NA raza SEM »| V mi SANI ne E dv R ribi, AE aa, x < A x k ri sa | pie | po— RE a Mi J sa . x « s % bi u g0e za $ se a Maj s kav bi me za ze N sala | arij 44 VKD>LL. Mo di. 4, — bala SKA. "", 4 e- | si "> » 4, 4 4 Li Pod 48 .- Ed - .. 4 v w <- $. ee ae E: ai, REK < a zA, nevtnih data-fields in each record as is consistent with your lay- IA | tva a? . | Ka TČ nami Ka sitii: gi 4 8 ne, m | le a . th sze jedi: Hg; pa O emi | kia. out on the screen. After laying out or formatting the Zleg izi A Pk —]6Kor imi record a whole series of commands allows you to zem ; azeer PSJO 48K RAM JERNEH Ora na -% | TT o 43