Ipied to a colurmnn ar block of % B3 4 ga, The box reference f must the left of box reference |. Errors " sa Srror will occur and the program will fail with a formula s entered which refers to a blank box aaa. AM this fen, return to the program by enterina Ci box which vne enu then display the identity oFthe. Uying to caiculate when the error OCCurred. Press the key ENTER. The display will ete Nč, to the table and you may then move the cursor to nebi | problem sguare. Look at the tormula for this box and ta | see which box the formula is re ferencing which. Noe (x | ud od ; zs dali « i . | spe "a", Ve. H 8 Ča na k s i | < 4. a Že v ZE po - PReL x RK be x; a o % VU e TO OEEO ono on, nee. s Raka ZTN RU V RA sabien BA TOKA obn ie TEA MM»MM. >A A NI .. 7 "ND Mm O Copyright PSION Lrd. Made in U.K. SUMMARY OF VU-CALC COMMANDS 4 B — Blanks the current box and its formula. H C — Forces recalculation of whole grid — reguired when data or a formula is changed. H E— To change the formula in the current box. H F,c,f, j — Formats column c(A< Ali). fsi (integer), < $ (decimal), z G (general), j< L (teft), z R (right) justified. H G, rc — Go to box rc. H L— Loada Vu-Calc : data file, H P-— Printsa copy of the screen. H O — Ouits Vu-Calc. H R, rc, f:l — Repeat contents of box re over trge sa of boxes f to |. 'S — Saves the curre - Vu-Calc file. dite H T,rorc,r' ore' — - Transfer row r to row r' Or column c to c'.