references as variables and the formula e as sim joj ani using these variables ma o and the arithmetical operators. Some exam formulae are: — Zan aki B1%1.03 D12"(82--1.5)/C1 D?—€7 A formula can refer to one particular box or it may be repeated along a row, down a column, or across a block. To achieve this, the 4% Repeat command is used (ses below under comrands). UN Formulae are always applied relatively. For example, in the Repeat command, if the current formula is being applied lo a seguence of boxes along a row then the column references in the formula are always incremented as the formula is applied seguentiaily along the row. For example, if the formula "1.034 41" in the box A2 was repeated along the row A then the formula in box A3 would be ''1.03%A2" and the formula in box A4 would be ''1.03%A3" etc. The same relative Concept is applied down a column or over a block where the row letters in the formula are incremented seguentialiy. If, in a formula, you wish to refer to an absolute box refarence which does not alter when repeated, the box reference in the formula should be prefixed with the character "'$". Thus, for the above example, the formula "1.03%$A1" when applied to the row A would always refer to the contents of box A1 only. COMMANDS A variety of commands exist in VU-CALC for loading, saving and printing files, for editing etc. These comrmands are entered by typing "'4" in the empty input line followed by the first character of the particular command. W BB Blank Blanks the current box. -— 8 / ola —.— oo —mg ———z—m > —mm— — — — 4 MC Calculate Forces a recalculation of the whole table and is sometimes reguired when a formula is changed. HE Edit Allows the formula referred to by the current box to be replaced by a new formula. HfEFc,f, j Format Format specifies the representation of a number in a column, as defined by the three parameters c, f, j. The first parameter c must be a one or two digit number or the letter "A". If c is a number, the formatting will apply to that column only, while ''A"' will apply the format to All the table. The parameter f specifies the type of forrnatting reguired. If an | is entered, integer format will be used. If $ is entered, a real number with two decimal points will be used. G specifies a general format. The third parameter, j, must be L or R for left or right justified. ft G, rec Go Move the cursor immediately to the box re. KL Load Will clear the screen, ask for a file name and load that file. HP Print Will cause a copy of the screen to be output to the printer. kO Auit Will allow the user to clear the worksheet or exit from the program. it A, re, f:l Repeat This will cause the contents of the box rc to be reproduced across the range specified. Most importantly, it will repeat the formula in the box re over the other boxes within the range specified. -.i s — NMNmvve >» Lad ož>—že -—-z— (im — »>—o—z znam — G | for example meter, rc, is a box reference, s koaplnev op oo ifias the box whose contents or formu is to be repeated. — o mogel a a ale defined by (ho over a rectangular bloc , parameter range which has the form f:l where f parke A3:B5. 1 is the top lett- are box references, for example hand box of the biock and | is the bottom right-hand box of the block. in the example, the box at rrec wo be repeated over the boxes A3, A4, AS, B3, 84 and BS, in the range, the box f must always be to the left, and, or above the box |. H S Save Ciears the screen and asks the user for a file name. The data on the table will be saved to cassette. Ht T,rorc,rorc Transfer This command transfers a row or column defined by the first parameter to another row or column defined by the second parameter. A row cannot be copied to a colurnn and vice-versa. SUM FACILITY Part of a row, a column, or a rectangular block of boxes may be added automaticalky through the sum facility. Summing is performed as a formula. Position the cursor at the cell where you wish to place the result of the sumrnation. Enter a formula of the form 8 f:l and press the enter key. The sign ''8"' means sum and the formula means ''sum the boxes from the first box f to the last box |". f:l is the rectangular "range" of boxes over which the summation is to be performed where f is the top left- hand box of the ractangle. For example: 8 A2:B4 will sum the boxes A2 4 AJ 4 A4 » B2 » BJ - B4.