VU CAL Orstructs, generates and calculates targe tables for such VA pectiti m pd rmonm dI/erSst applic attons a: financial... analysis, budget sheets and " projecHOns: Turns the Sinclair Spectrdm into an immensely powerful analysis ed ne ri V hi hi ati -- Vo a M K V li tki Mi it h motiv ' 1) MM Hi KU ' Go | NO ih ( Ni ih) il 6 ne »1" Mai: kal | la? tarči Ma? MUH ALNI ih Hu lah ani dati dliaf rt | 1. 4 t V V k VEJAH NAVADNA NON HA K HŠ MA] Miza! manj IM 1!W. Mi s; db: | HE | Mea le k VANA Hi MUH HO lih (Hi Saai.a? | 4! pn ae' % i Ht Yi pico zla PON NANO NU ed V lit nt (A v Mi Si [eni ii va! H Hi Wi » ' AL yi, W Lj sl ZAE PRAK ii | | V 1 gole ej He Akoy m | MA v... % ss Hi iii, A Hi V 4 Mi. ČI; Y ASAM AN li Al KU Hi Je na Noni Ma 4 a NCA VI dali, Mi NU 4 We iii Ul H ži chart. Full ROA ONE FRNUU 4 . . | 14 b | . ; HIMNA Yi Mi edi , KURA Mi bih IM a! NE tiY HE | instrucUHONS « evi USA | O AA ua U Mik, naleti HK K il kili NOM PALI UM k enclosed:" " m | AOUAVVAVOAN NAH h Y ore MANA ili JA BRANA PANO ii > 1 a | | Mai | v MAN ki, "Mit MATA MIH UH sit it svati zi | kritih .. ka hi, HEH — T6K or 48K RAM Sinclair ZX Spectrurm win 18k or 4BK RAM VU-CALC trem PSION 85 | Load and Run by typing LOAD "VU-CALC" | Pocket calculators have become a powerful and | indispensable tool to many though they only work out | and display one number at a time. They are useful because there are many things in life thut are well | ; described by a single number. There are many more | things, however, which can be described more fully and completely with a table or an array of numbers organised in an ordered way. VU-CALC is a program for calculating and displaying tables of numbers and name$8. You start with an empty table or grid composed | of boxes and arranged in rows and colurnns. With a simple set of commands you can invoke calculator-like formulae which link one box to another ar one row to | another or one column to another so that the computer can calculate a whole table in a few seconds. You can -also enter data or names into particular boxes and by | simply changing one or more parameters, tables for different situations can be re-evaluated and displayed almost immediately. This provides an immensely powertul tool for financial analysis, budgets, the calculation of engineering or scientific tables, statistical analysis etc. LAYOUT — Table, Cursor and Window On entering VU-CALC, a two line command panel can be seen at the top of the screen, a blank labelled area is m NENA a O m m s OO VV EE aaiano ŽE, oi NE aa REM Ha akad —mm