in teet 9 he heh a JSUIOS ' hecis. it grve% m und to the fer janting Tea — | bad un 4 a ka ' nisu, dic Popular Computing Weekly said of. Psion S Flight Simulatiom on the ZX81 "NO words can do - justice to this most elegant of programs a s You will not See 8:.:. ea better computet' % game tili Psioh: produce one fot the Spectrum . Here it is. Ledrn to fly, bank, dive and climb,' see the world outside through the: : cockpit. -..- windows, land: and take-off with the aid of the. many cockpit" instruments. dana AA HA1OE EL mi šk h | uv | NOLIYINNIS IH9IA ,, " AL ' 4 a slepih a. | be Teli ei No —-.a., "iii ' ., HA Pino a O eni Voda naga na 4 | s , v 4 HA . dai v" bi 4 ha? d A. m 1" 4 - v Ha A . a mi m 3 j - - m X sb M f m da 4 PRVE bei 8 . a s HI " ce S ge € pu ea m kani " 2 -. : < « 4 b usM. -.. — | Eo -»« h s b m A . i spa s oa . s s Z d e , | ans v v gov 0 NA, Lika ima « No PIA Ad ) DA, 1 a u k Sai k A ii ' , teo 4! ra ' s k . ) 4 m . m .e 4 HA mo » h id : z O avo m - viri, s. 4 vl sez EI SOFTWARE BY k mask..." | .- computers, P le . 9% on large scale, airliners zz Even on parameter? uda zaation of t poe representation of real ume. effects and gined, ved in d can the outside wori an be pi MN z HT Simulatton inc ze oa sonia a smali, high-performanc?, Tw propeller-driven airplane. LYINICS ASPECTS OF Fb NE The essential controls of an sega . o Rovino sa joystick, flaps, rudder and eng n the wings joystick sideways affects the ailerons on odra causing the plane to bank to the left or ki, m ne the joystick forwards and backwards a negi na elevators on the tailplane so that the nose > airplane moves down or up respectively. The aerodynamics of an airplane are extremety complicated. Changing one control usual!y has more than one effect. For example the ailerons do not simply cause the plane to roli, but produce a sidewavys airflow which causes the plane to turn as well. You may learn and experience these effects in the simulation. The attitude and motion of an airplane is shown by many instruments and navigational aids in the pilot's