| i | gi dd dai | dav"? zdi areni laal bu. m v (ud . . . - 4. " m XI » mag Y, a o a MA a AE WE m m" t re S oe moon m PE a it on -INSTRUCTI THE GAM PECTY VISUAL PkEsr nd ke. ITS PROGRAM CODE, AUDIO- STRICTLY T O IREB will ADING: Plac one Gi ino tollowinc, Ssette into the recorder and type LOAD "spectfes" < ENTER> ue ENE | re > means to ENTER. Also note that there i Uotes da the second method. NAJ IS sucesstul a llashing message will appear On the screen after Several s entirely automatic trom here om. "s: he procese la v (roto and lry again pr re-read c ter si zmaja d g hapter six of your introductory PLAYING SPECTRES Eddie the electrician has a new job. He has to rewire press the key marked v the oid mansion on the edge o! town. Unknown to Eddie | red in Colour and rushes around tt s.n GA A a ae S aaa ae the mansion is ha like humans at all. The ghosts all have different pe: tes. Speedy is rse looking for SOmeone to frighten. Spooky is green and has a special talen! (or (inding humans wherever they may be hidino. m an on the other harid is gotow in every sense of the word, and stays well away fr ol course, scare them if he finds them. Sparky is a fairty normal kind of ghost He wanders around, doing nothing in particular until he finds a live person. Living beings | m: the worst in him. E le's job is to go around the house litting light bulbg. When he has completed the entire (loor he may move onto the next level through the central stair well. Unfortunately tor Eddie the ghosts don't like light at ali and will scare him senseless, driving him back into the stair well, if (hey catch him. Eddie wili than be laken gibbering to the local happy home. On each floor there are four old power enerators and 4 Eddie gets to one it wili switch on and ali the bulbs he has placed so far will hght up. The light makes the ghosts Very weak il they come into contact with it, and whilst in this Condition, meeting Eddie will cause them to rugh back to the stair well to recuperate. The generators only have a smali amount of fuel and when this runs out they wili break down and cause ali the lit bulbs to short A 8 no space between the two s are experienced adjust YOur volume control unted by four wicked ghosts who don't, om intruders although he will | | di | | ) | LEFT "—-ao-— a In some of the darker corne rs of Cans o! petrol and Can colleci it so th at lhe gener ni on for longer although he can't ratuel 4 mio € 8! is already on. Eddie bei a strong lad can carry twelve gallons of ftuel and ea Can holds a The border Oonto the next floor ihrough the Central star vol" diodi THE TOP STATUS LINE The top row shows from left to right:- The number of lives Eddie has loh" a Eddie's score so lar. sli. hghesi SCore so far. le slaris with 3 lives and ai every time he scores two thousand dim Korak SCORE Points are scored as lollows:- One point for each bulb placed. Ten points for each ghosi sent back to the stnir well. H two ghosts are caught in succession twenty points, three will score thirty, and four will score torty. This cumulative Scoring will reset atter four ghosts. Twenty points for turning on a generator. Ninety points for each (loor compieted. | HOW TO CONTROL EDDIE There are a large number of s which may be used. | You should choose the combinat on with which you lesi - most comtortable. The keys to move left are ali on the lowest keyboard row. Begining with SAR$ SHIFT gvevy alernate nez nav be used. i.e. CAPS SHIFT, X, V, N, SYMBOL SHIFT. The remaining keys on the bottom row may be used to move right i.e. Z, C, B, M, SPACE Any ol the keys on the second row may be used to mdve down. i.e. A, S, D, F, G, etc. Any of the keys on the third row may be used | to move upwards i.e. O, W. E, R, T, etc. | | In addition if a key on the top row is pressed the 9ame will "ireeze". This allows you to answer the door or | eed the dog whilst playing Pressing any key not on the i 4 top row wili restart the game. the house Eddle can find n will tur de ne v bulbs have been litted into place. a a ma when ali the no 4 č e— me ane REM a aco