torrner 34 P || ds The lightness of the shading of each tace ia determined 8 by a combinanon of a diftuse background tght and by "ditfuse reflecnon" from a single light source. Z After pressing S for Shade the commend panel at tha ; i top wili change and ask the user where he wishes to am ; place the light source. in answer to the first guestion em enter a,c or b for the light to be above, from the centre | or below. in answer to the sacond guestion enter [,c or r —. to position the ight source at the left, centre or rigm -—- respectively. Note... Colour RA ee? The background colour and the colour o! the object in. the display may be chosen wiih the cciour command... Press keys 0 to 7 to choose the appropriate colovrin SA | each case according to the guestons in the -omma gb nenu since Save stores on tape the complete data-file si sar O returns the user to the : KE MODIFY pomi". After an object or set of objeci trom the ex! ABANDON the file and ABANDON to leave memory for a new data-file tormed fram CREATE or LOAD. Gar. SAVE tanini - The Save function is called from the main menu of VU- 3D. it allows a user to save permanentiy on cassette 8 | microphone socket ori the Spectrum to the microphone Mm: socket on your tape recorder, define a file name and the record button on your recorder. LOAD uš 1 S . tz . J Kač P d se. ži w MERO, | š J N ' . i : pi | j i žo | . LA «mn "ao o vyoeeae o o —a rr zane, va iona ' i " - h > tab NA, zn» h a Ne — o eo o n—— a - h - že -—-i v oda » 4