G. Resinovic ze REP Name. . z K201 - Ouiz SA ' (2 pts) 1. .The operating system is told how to process a' job by means of a language. | (4 pts) nA Communication interface software is a part of support software. list two other groups of programs which we consider as a part of support software. 2 . (2 pts) Programmers who produce and maintain the user programs are called.the programmers. (4 pts) 4. Finish card is the last parameter card for a BMDID program. Name two other parameter cards necessary to run this program. (8 pts) 5. Me have a table stored in memory whose argument array ING contains 256 employee identification numbers and whose function array PR contains the pay rate of the associated employee. We have read an employee identification number NUM and the hours worked HRS from a card. Write a program segment that will look up the employee number NUM in the table and compute the gross pay GPAY by multiplying hours worked HRS by appropriate pay rate. If the employee number NUM is not in the table, STGP. '(You do not need to dimension the arrays, read a card, or print anything--just calculate GPAY or cause the program to STOP). di ZRRVROKA Lili NSGZI [ae EEG Mi MEAN! Meri