Section K201-0uiz 2B (2 pts) 1. Indicate and explain errors ((d£ any) in the following FfRTRAN arithmetic statement: INTEGER< -(2%BAL-1./-BIL(6.43.5A) (4 pts) 2. Translate the following mathematical expression into an eguivalent FARTRAN expression: Ce, -3xy) Y x-y al zo (6 pts) 3. Evaluate the following seguence of FORTRAN statements, given SfM-3.: EX <(PART%%2-2,%SfM)/3.--1, K2R <(SfM/PARTH1.)/(EX-1.)--1.5%PART (8 pts) 4. Consider the following card layout: Card Columns Description Form Variable name 3-11 Student ID Integer : 5 20-37 Name Alphanumeric 38 Class code Integer 44-46 GPA X,XX a) define variable names b) write FARTRAN statements necessary to read a card with given layout.