G. Resinovic Name Section ž K201 - Ouiz 3B For each employee in BEC company a card is punched with the following data: Card column Description Form Variable Name. 5-11 Employee Integer NE 15-19 Weekly gross pay XXX,xX GPE The last card has a negative number in columns 1-6. Fach week these cards are processed by computer to calculate net pay and print a line with employee number, gross pay and net pay for each employee. Also, some summary results are printed on a separate page after all the employees' cards are processed.. Net pay < gross pay - income tax where: income tax is 10% of gross pay if gross pay is less than $250 is 15Z of gross pay if gross pay is between $250 and $450 inclusive is 20Z of gross pay if gross pay is over $450 Prepare a flowchart for a program to calculate net pay, print a line for each employee, and print the number of employees with gross pay over $450 and their average gross pay. — — ——, MI ' o ae — PRE BKGPE |. aetH ] K ža Tor - VTGPH IE AJO 7