G. Resinovic Name (2 pts) (4 pts) (6 pts) (8 pts) a) Section K201-0uiz 2B 1. Indicate and explain errors (if any) in the following FfRTRAN arithmetic statement: |. Vine Neva obanaeitnt AV TVOOVA 4 INTEGER< Ho a UE Mead oprane no poo, X ig, AE: i. 0. 8 45% ie, Vane po mim tra HA 2485 2. Translate the following mathematical BA ene into an egu dešia FARTRAN expression: na ze — e [a 3x9) Vs a (er Z se (X— v) ek 5/(xbyxx2) tl. xty 3. Evaluate the following seguence of FORTRAN statements, given SfMe3.: PART- (3,5-S(M/2.)%%2-1. >. EX <(PART%%2-2.4s(M)/3.41,$ Z. K2R < (SfM/PARTY1.)/(EX-1.)-1.5%PART(, 4%. Consider the following card layout: Card Columns Description Form . Variable name 3-11 Student ID Integer Na), 20-37 Name Alphanumeric NI,NŽ N3 NJ N5 38 Class code Integer paje 44-46 GPA X4XX GPA define variable names write FORTRAN statements necessary to read a card with given layout.