oraaklcev iz G. Resinovic Name Section s K201-0uiz 2A (2 pts) 1. Indicate and explain errors (if any) in the following FfRTRAN arithmetic statement: l Geval pain NA (te sama Ba Co .- (2.PI-X1%%-2%(It1)) ime 2. a opi ije 4 4 alok wo lane i 3. 3. ta Ha uueglnat moatn(rta o] gane HE S (4 pts) 2. Translate the following mathematical expression into an eguivalent Mei] expression: NE ŠLE ovse2 pe. - (Kaay)ae.5)/ (2.xX6-2- S.xyjel ; —- II — Žx" -5y (6 pts) 3. Evaluate the following seguence of FORTRAN statements, ke R1:3,: R2<(3.5-R1 /2.)442-1. — < (2.5—1,5 Vele (2)- U-l —3, R3-(R2 "%2-2,£ R1)/3.41. < (3, —713./3, |, < (4. ea/šA, tle3,/3.tl. z |l:e2, K2R —(R1/ R2 Hl.)/(R3-1.)41.5%R2 —(3,/3. PONOR PRSI zli b)/Aee4.5-2.45z ( (8 pts) 4. Consider the following card layout: Card Columns Description Form Variable name 10-14 Item Integer INs po 15-33 Item name Alphanumeric NI,NŽ NZ No N5 | 39-41 No. of items sold Integer NOZS 55-59 Unit price XXX,XX VP me a) define variable names b) write FORTRAN statements necessary to read a card with given layout.