G. Resinovic Name Section K201 - Ouiz| 18 ) 9/9/81 Each of the following guestions counts 2 points. 1; 10. Control unit is a part of CPU. Name two other functional units which belong to cev: ALITEMETIC-LOUICALUNIT (mKLVU) MehoBy The programs that tell the computer what to do are referred to as -—-— SO E. Compiler translates the procedure-oriented language into MACČHH VE language. When program is translated, it is called an 9) R )E A program. A FGRTRAN statement that is translated into one (or more) instruction(s) , is called EX E( VU TABLE statement. According to the IBM card coding scheme, each letter is represented by (how many) punches and a numeric digit by (how many) 4 punches in a card column. When a numeric data item doesn't fill the entire card data field, we leave any blanks on the (which side) LEE and align the number to the Identify the mode (or explain what is wrong if incorrect) of each of the following numbers: a Dv aa59 DECIMAL b) 0.0 DECI MAL Each of the following are considered to be a FARTRAN variable. If any of them is valid, indicate the mode, otherwise explain why it is not valid! a) casi6) b) PAYCJFF perform the following calculations, using the FGRTRAN rules of arithmetic. ih O5M)/)., 2 b) Let A-3.5, B-0.5, C-6. CR(AH5.%B)/(A-B)— // Indicate the errors, if any, in the following FGRTRAN expressions: a) (A-(BšcR42) /2.6)665) b) rei MASE, x