G. Resinovic Name Section K201-0uiz 2A 9/23/81 (2 pts) 1. Indicate and explain errors(if any) in the following FGRTRAN arithmetic statement: WROKA MODE RAD ,GN< (PET-PAUL)%%2/ ((RAD%GN-1. "Z ene NOT AUoWE) a Translate the following mathematical expression into aneguivalent FGRTRAN expression: W DON, MOJE. ADD. PAZENTKECEK NEENED (2 kun) lis 5 ) 2K na -R »XČ ((21, KAVAPU-U) KL H5.5x8/A £TKETA)— D xx (2x) (6. pts) 3. Evaluate the following seguence of FGRTRAN statements, given A-3.: B-(A-1,)442-2, (3-1) -2, »2, Ce ((AFB)X(A-B))/2. (3:t2:M3.-2,)/2, 40. KGRS< nee Une Be šalj-2. (8 pts) 4. Consider the following card layout: Card columns Description Form Variable name 4-11 Itemji Integer Maslo ! 31-40 Department Alphanumeric Z panda | 41-45 Ouantity Integer ! 48-53 Price XXXX,XX Mode | (Decimal point not punched in the "Price" data field) Define variable names and write FGRTRAN statements necessary to read this card and enter above data into memory registers associated with variable names. 3, TALI JA? 42 T o o — | 4),