POET č če z ie 4 ž G. Resinovic Name - e Section. K201 - guiz 1C 9/9 81 Each of the following guestions counts 2 points. l. ALU is a part of CPU. Name two other functional units which belong to CPU: 2. In a memory, each register is identified by a number, called its 3. Instruction which cause the computer to execute an instruction other than next in a seguence is called a instruction. 4, Before it is executed the object program must be into the computer memory. 5. "he convention that associates a unigue combination of punches with each character is called the punch card š 6. There are (how many) rows and (how many) columns in a punched card. ; 7. Identify the mode (or explain what is wrong if incorrect) of each of the following numbers: a) -135 bi: 2;)87.0 8. Each of the following are considered to be a F$GRTRAN variable. If any of them is valid, indicate the mode, otherwise explain why it is not valid: a) NK201 b) BUDGAT 9. Perform the following calculations using the F$RTRAN rules of arithmetic: a) (8-1/2)/3 - b) Let A<2.5, B<0.5, C-5. C%(A-2.%B) /(A-B) 10. Indicate the errors, if any, in the following FGRTRAN expressions: a) (7%MEMO/(HOUR-2))%%2 b) ((A-(B%C%%2)/-3.3)%%3