G, Resinovic | Name Section K201 - Ouiz lD 9/10/81 Each of the following guestions counts 2 points. 2: 10. ALU is a part of CPU. Name two other functional units which belong to CPU: A memory register that will store only one character is called a Each machine language instruction is composed of two parts. They are: When a program is translated into a machine language, each variable name is associated with a specific in the computer memory. What is the maximum number of characters that can be recorded on a single card? The arrangement of the card data fields in a particular application is called the ; Identify the mode (or explain what is wrong if incorrect) of each of the following numbers: a) 1000000.00£ b) 0,000271 Each of the following are considered to be a F$RTRAN variable. If any of them is valid, indicate the mode, otherwise explain why it is not valid. a) SUMARUM b) G896! | Perform the following calculations using the FGRTRAN rules of arithmetic. a) (2-7/3)/5 » b) Let A-2.5, B<1.5, C-3. C% (A-2.%B) /(A-B) < Indicate the errors, if any, in the following F$GRTRAN expressions. a) (A-(B-(C-D% (3XE-C))) -5.D) b) (I-27)%%2-(K/L41)%%3 (N-1)