G, Resinovič > Name | Section K201 - Ouiz 1A 9/10/81 Each of the following guestions counts 2 points. 1. Memory is a part of CPU. Name two other functional units which belong to CPU. 2. The physical components that make up the computer are referred to as 3. Programs written in any programming language are called programs. Compiler translates such programs into a language program. i 4. A F$RTRAN statement that is not translated into any instruction is called a statement. 5. What is the maximum number of characters that can be recorded on a single punched card? 6. When an alphabetic data item doesn't fill the entire card data field, we usually align the data to the (which side) and leave any blanks on the : 5 7. Identify the mode (or explain what is wrong if incorrect) of each of the following numbers. a) 3250000. b) 0.0 8. Each of the following are considered to be a FGRTRAN variable. If any of ' them is valid, indicate the mode, otherwise explain why it is not valid. a) CLASSY b) ACCOUNT 9. ?Perform the following calculations, using the FGRTRAN rules of arithmetic. a) (2-7/3)%2 < b) Let A-2.5, Bsl., C-3.5 C%(Af3.%B) —-B%C < 10. lIndicate the errors, if any, in the following F$RTRAN expressions. a) (ALPHA-(BETA%R%%2, ) /-GAMMA) /3%OMEGA b). (ZH3) (1-5) /KAPPA-(L4KAPA"%2, 5)