10. (4 pts) Translate into FORTRAN notation each of the following expressions: 2 NV a, N- rt 2M 4 2 2N-1 xy b. (WtT) Z A Ai a S Z TT J1, (2 pte) "4. lLetčX« 13.95 ami li] x x Then JJs< b. Let I < 7 and WEEK < I Then WEEK < 12. (2 pts) Perform the following calculations using FORTRAN rules of arithmetic: A, sLet AS2)5 BE 3; .C< 1.5 A% (Bt2.%C)/(A£C) < b; ket [sj, Je4 (147) / Jx2 < 13. (2 pts) Indicate the errors, if any, in the following FORTRAN expressions: a. 2.A - B % 5./(A 4 B )xC b.. (M t 1)%%3 t (2 t K/M) % s (3(N - 1))