ti . | E. W. Martin K201 Exam |. 12/9/74 (30 pts.) 1. Identify any errors in the ii lomi FYRTRAN statements a) X2m (RATE(3) - RATE (-3))/D b) po 40 Is0,17 cc) X3 a STO.) 4 16. cd) DO 40 Yel,24,3 |e) X4 — A(N)/B(34N-2) 5) X5e TIME(2K/L) | (20 pts.) 2. What would be the value of M after executing each of the following program segments? a) Meso Ma DO 13 I<1,20 13 MsMrl b) Ms0 '"DO'13 Isl,i12,2 Me 13 MeMHl c) DO 13 J-1,5 Me DO 13 I<1,7 13 MeMtl d) DO 15 I<1,6 j o Me | DO 20 Je1,5 15 MeMtl 20 MeM-1 3. Assume that we have an array W composed of 300 elements already stored in the computer memoty (i.e., defined and already dimensioned) as a result of a previous portion of the program. Write a program segment (including Me > any needed DIMENSION statements) for each of the following independent Mk, PUrposes: (10 pts.) a) Add together the sguares of all the elements of W and call the results WSO. č meso bo ARE NE NO A pra v SN NE a raA SN oba PE ESR a kJ NE kos ŠARO io NE Ee B Eva k usaj do ME oa EI nim ira | ni Nllkno.. RA NE NAEN IR SA mne db o