ča (3 pts) IL. a. b. e. d. e. (3: pts) Ži a. b. e. d. K201 Ouiz 2 (B) May 27, 1982 Run time error messages that partially explain why execution was terminated appear at the very end of the printout after the FORTRAN program. after each line of the FORTRAN program containing an error in the area where the control cards are listed before the printout of the FORTRAN program one of the above depending from computer to computer none of the above Which of the following is true: test data cards are used to detect syntax errors only test data cards are used to detect logical erros only test data cards are used to detect both syntax and logical errrors none of the above (3 pts) 3. The method of using parameters instead of constants in order to make a program more flexible is called program (3 pts) 4. a. be eč d (4 pts) 3. A0Oo9o The flowchart below corresponds to a condition controlled loop a count-controlled loop an uncontrolled loop none of the above You are given the following set of statements: M8 DO 7 I<4,M 7 KSIAM How many times will statement /7 be executed? 5 z 4 1 none of the above