% K201 fuiz 45 Name Consider the following FORTRAN program: DIMENSION ALT(5), SNAKES (5) OPEN (UNIT<5, FILE-'INPUT.DAT',STATUS-'OLD') OPEN (UNIT<6, FILE-'PRINT.DAT' ,STATUS<'NEW') DO l0 K < 1,5 l0 READ (5, 100) ALT(K), SNAKES (K) 100 FORMAT (F4.0, 1X, F2.0) 20 READ (5, 200) HT IF (HT .LT. 0) STOP IF (HT .LT. 3000) GOTO 70 DO 30 K < 1,5 IF (HT .LE. ALT(K)) GOTO 50 30 CONTINUE — WRITE (6, 200) 200 FORMAT ('0', 'NO SNAKES ABOVE 9000 FEET') GO TO 20 50 VWRITE (6, 300) SNAKES (K), HT 300 FORMAT ('0', F3.0,2X,'SNAKES/ACRE AT',2X,F5.0,2X, 'FEET') GOTO 20 70 VMWRITE (6, 400) 400 FORMAT ('0','MANY SNAKES/ACRE BELOW 3000 FEET') GOTO 20 END If this program were run, and the file INPUT.DAT contained the following records, specify exactly what would be written into the file named PRINT.DAT. (Note: each line below represents one input record, starting in column l, and the symbol b stands for a blank space.) 4000b98 6000b85 7000b42 8000b2l 9000b07 3400 9800 1600 7200 b5400 9 Write below exactly what PRINT.DAT would contain after this program runs.