G. Resinovic K502 Computer Tools Summer, 1982, IUPUI Class Meets: 9:30-12:30 Saturdays, BS1000 Office Hours: By Appointment Telephone: 335-8449, Bloomington Reguired Test: Martin, E.W. and Perkins, W.C., FORTRAN for Business Students: A Programmed Instruction Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1981. Course Objective: This course is designed to provide the background that a manager should have in order to understand computers and their use in business. It also covers enough of the basics of FORTRAN programming to enable the student to write simple programs. Teaching Method: This course is based upon a set of programmed materials which you must work through before the class meets for which they are assigned. You are asked to study the summary and work the problems at the end of each section. Any guestions on the material will be answered in class. "The lectures will not cover the text materials, but will instead cover the guestions that arise because of the problems in each chapter. Thus, you must do the assignment before the class if the class is to be helpful to you. Grading: Labs I-IV (5 pts each) 60 points Test 100 points Final Exam . 140 points 300 points