G. Resinovic Name K201 0uiz f- 11/4/81 (10 pts) 1. We have 250 cards with the following layout: card columns Description 1-5 Employee Number (Integer) 6-8 Regular Hours Worked (XXAX) 9-11 : Overtime Hours Worked (XX,X) At the beginning of a program we wish to read these cards and establish three arrays: the array MPL of employee numbers, the array RH of regular hours worked, and the array (TH of overtime hours worked. On the coding form below write the FORTRAN statements reguired for this portion of a program. oše lena sie Lnn ore m V VATOV VIR V PRVO S PORE. VEP ZSAAJA MAPE HP. ti: SPOME DIA Peta bodi NEŽA vee SARE a KE o kli a rop o po sloje poslika ae k a a KN, di h NCZON, INd oo e(tad, 4 ldom [akt (20) ] 1. SEN dči 00 a a ijo iE PEST SEA IE De OBV ACE EIR CA SRANAUNEH SEUME VRNH VI (VNESE MAAE RAI ENA STA MAH NA MEH MA Ni nu! EME MM M5 DIne Do. ši ) ZEN S, LJ INA (z) 4, LI) ma 5 a Eden