Section K201 - Ouiz 4B (10 pts) 1. There are 1350 different items in a particular warehouse. For each item a card is punched with the following card layout: Card Column Description Variable Name 1-6 Item f EN 16-19 Ouantity on hand OdH 20-24 Price (XXX,XX) PR Write all the necessary statements to reserve the space in the memory for 3 arrays (N, 0$H, PR) and read the data from the cards into these arrays. »% ) ., | nI ta ; o 3 AJ s 8 to trd PR o . PA «w u o KV NE S 4 |- nei | se se a id 8 : > » PR la (3 f r i 5. | HALI SE 1'Y SRE a U DE JJ di LI In |? daš gi x TEH | SEU | G. Resinovic ; Name DE RENER ANINA BE 55 | s