G. Resinovic Name OI Section K201 - Ouiz 4A (10 pts) 1. A particular product is composed of 800 parts. The manufacturer has two warehouses for the spare parts of this product, west warehouse (WW) and east warehouse (EW). A card is punched for each item (spare part) with the following card layout: Card Column Description Variable Name 1-6 Item ž IN£ 20-23 Guantity on hand in WW WW 24-27 Ouantity on hand in EW EW Write all the necessary FORTRAN statements to reserve the space in the memory for 3 arrays (ING, WW, EW) and read the data from the cards into these arrays. aJI S a 8 na KJ 8 LJ ta m o m a tu o ta ta HŠ J ŠZIasTEv li SORE DAR UVE MEJE NA REJE O SRE EEA ONE IAE CA | | |