10. boš OO0ro le] order to execute FORTRAN progams a computer must have a FORTRAN CPE machine language compiler control unit none of the above Integer mode is most appropriate for numbers used for a. b. (eh d. e. measuring identification calculations division a none of the above % AR z INDIANA should be described DA an invalid decimal. teriable sledi an invalid integer. varigble a valid integer conštant ia a valid integer variable none of m bine. k ajc , REM Any character other: tkan ani br blank in column 6 of the FORTRAN coding form indicates that a. d: anything punched in Golemne 7 through 72 is a continuation of the preceeding statement ni Sai : the statement alk is zbobisioh a anything written. om 'tbig meč will be printed in the FORTRAN program, but will not be translated columns 73-80 are. usedi to tontinne € this Statentatj ac... — A a ee — es icE sta A device that scans. a: tiped' or hand-printed: form, recognizes- s. characters, and transmits the .".- he CPU dis called: (oo ke die) magnetic tape unit : č Pi optical character; redler S EN computer terminal ' se. line printer In the following eguation which operation is performed first? (34 J)a« 5/K t 5 ODoyr7 o adding 5 multiplication of£:3: sobna J exponentiation : division by K none of the above