d4 tu. e. End-of-Section Li Date Text Assignment Exercises Other Assignments M O6t,- 26 Review zi Deturo 27.47 p.m.) SECOND HOUR EXAMINATION (Sections 4.2-7.1) Mi, Oct: —28 Discussion of Exam IV Lab Problem 5.2 due 7.2 Processing Arrays Ex. 1-4 V Lab Problem 6.1 assigned (due Nov. 4) o M:. NOV, -2 Arrays Cont'd Sec, 1,2; Em 7,810 7.3 Tables and Table Look-up Ex. 1-3 W Nov. 4 Table Look-up Cont'd Sec. 7.2, Ex. 7,8,10 g0VU1ž 4 V Lab Problem 6.1 due VI Lab Problem 7.3 assigned (due Nov. 23) RNI IN ana JE Ne NANA MNA NE ED DIA Ja a M Nov. J 9.1 Overview of Software Ex. 1-4,6,8 9.2 Canned Programs Ex. 4,5 (Set up BMD program, but not data 8 do not punch cards.) VW o oNovoc il 10.1 Summary Reports Ex. l,2a A Ža o ado oro LO M Nov. 16 Summary Reports, Cont'd Sec. 10,1,:Ex.: 2b 10.2 Data Processing Systems Ex. 1-7 OUIZ 5 W Nov. 18 10.3 'Summarization Via Arrays Bx. 1,2,34 and Tables S NA nan. —-—keke-—— M< Nov. -23 System Design Se, 10,3, VI Lab Problem 7.3 due Ex. 4a,ba,6a THANKSGIVING RECESS o o none ———eex M Nov. 30 Review T[..- Dee: 1 (7 p.m.)THIRD HOUR EXAMINATION (Sec. 7.2-7.3, 9.1-10.3) W Dee. 2 Discussion of Exam 11.1 'Seguential Access Files Ex. 1-5 NE A one bene ooo —»— —e-—. — M Dec. 7 System Design Work on parts AŠčB OUIZ 6 11.2 Direct Access Files of Lab Problem 11.3, VII Lab Problem page 772; Ex. 1-5 assigned (due Dec. 14) ' (handout) W Dec. 11 11.3 (On-Line Systems Ex. 1-4 M/. Bec 14 System Design Discussion Sec. 11.3, Mi..6,/ VII Lab Problem due Review for Final MW. Dec. 16 (9:45-11:45 a.m.) FINAL EXAM A o Jon —