bio Se NE a ke, ožini Us 4 » End-of-Section Date Text Assignment Exercises Other Assignments 7 Oet. 27 Review Oct. 27 (7 p.m.)SECOND HOUR EXAMINATION (Sections 4.2-7.1) R —Oct;" 29 Discussion of Exam IV Lab Problem 5.2 due 7.2 Processing Arrays Ex. 1-4 V Lab Problem 6.1 assigned (due Nov. 5) — S —————————————[Mm nn III z mo Novo 3 Arrays Cont 'd šač,.7.4, Me. 71,8,.0 7.3 Tables and Table Look-up. . Ex. 1-3 Rh Me S Table Look-up Cont'd šeč. 7,2, 7. 7,8 10 OVIZ 4 V Lab Problem 6.1 due VI Lab Problem 7.3 assigned (due Nov. 24) T Nov. 10 9.1 Overview of Software — Ex. 1-4,6,8 9.2 Canned Programs Ex. 4,5 (Set up BMD program, but not data š do not punch cards.) R Nov. 12 10.1 Summary Reports Ex. l,2a $- No. 17 Summary Reports, Cont'd Sec, 10,1, Ex. 2b OUIZ 5 10.2 Data Processing Systems Ex. 1-7 R Nov. 19 10.3 Summarization Via Noraje sz ai, 1,2738 and Tables T Nov. 24 System Design Sec. 10.3, VI Lab Problem 7.3 Ex. da,5a,6a THANKSGIVING RECESS S Me.i -——. imi 11.1 'Seguential Access Files Ex. 1-5 Dec. 1 (7 p.m.) THIRD HOUR EXAMINATION (Sec. 7.2-7.3, 9 1-10.3) R:.:. Dec, 3 Discussion of Exam Work on parts ABB VII Lab Problem System Design of Lab Problem 11.3, assigned (due Dec. 10) page 772 (handout) T Dec. 8% [l.2 Direct dccesa Files Ex. 1-5 OVIZ 6 11.3 (On-Line Systems ' z Ex. 1-4 R Dec. 10 System Design Discussion Sec. 11.3, Ex. 6,7 VII Lab Problem due Review for Final pove W Dec. 16 (9:45 -1l1:45 a.m.) FINAL EXAM