, End-of-Section v. Date Text Assignment . Exercises Other Assignments »—no oi. Preface, To The Student 3 | 1.1 Introduction to the Computer Ex. 1-6 R Sept. 3 1.2 Introduction to FORTRAN Ex. 1-4 Ex. 6, Section 1.3 1.3 Punched Cards 8. Keypunching Ex. l (due Sept. 10) T. Sept. 8 2.1 FORTRAN Data and Variables Ex. 1-5 . 2.2 Arithmetic Operations Ex. 1-4 R Sept. 10 2.3 FORTRAN Coding Ex. 1-3 OVIZ 1 Ex. 6, Section 1.3 due T Sept. 15 3.1 Input Operations Ex. 1-4 I Lab Problem 2.1 3.2 Input Operations Cont'd Ex. 1-4,5a,6b assigned (due Sept. 24 h: Sai.17 .-3.3 Output Operations Ex. 14 1 Bepte, 22 3.4 Output Operations Cont'd Ex. 1-5 - OVIZ 2 R' Sept. 24 4.1 logical Capability of the Ra. 1,2 I Lab Problem 2.1 due Computer .— II Lab Problen 3.2 i . assigned (due Oct. 1) T . Sept. 29 Review Sept. 29 (7 p.m.)FIRST HOUR EXAMINATION R Oct. 1 Discussion of Exam | II Lab Problem 3.2 du: 4.2 Basic Flow Chart Patterns Ex. 1-4,7 III Lab Problem 4.1 assigned (due Oct. 15) 1 Mt. 6 4.3 Counting, Summarizing and Ex. 1-4 s Averaging % Sec. 4.3, Ex. 5-7 5.. Developing the Flow Chart (£low chart only) R Oct. 8 | Flow Charting Sec. 5.1, Ex. la,2a T: < Oct; —13 5.2 "he Process of Debugging Ex. l,2a,3a OVIZ :3 (a flow chart) 5.3 Program Development III Lab Problem 4.1 duc IV Lab Problem 5.2 assigned (due Oct. 29) R Oct. 15 Flow Chart for Lab Problem 5.2 Work out flow chart for Lab Problem 5.2 1. 06t,: 20 6.1 NLooping and the DO statement ; Ex. 1-4 s Flow Chart for 6.2 "The DO Statement Extended Ex. 1-5 Lab Problem 5.2 due R Oct. 22 7.1 Arrays Ex. 1-4