ee? Gortan Resinovic K201 The Computer in Business Section 4800 Second Semester, 1981-1982 Class Meets: TR, 11:00-—12315 BH 006 Office Hours: MW, 9:00-12:00, or by appointment BU 680 Telephone: 335-8449. Reguired Text: Martin, E.W., and Perkins, W.C., FORTRAN for Business Students: A Programmed Instruction Approach, John Wiley a Sons, Inc., 1981. Overview: This course is designed to provide the background that a manager should have in order to understand computers and their use in business. It also covers enough of the basics of FORTRAN programming to enable the student to write simple programs to use the computer in his or her Business School courses. Teaching Method: This course is based upon a set of programmed mater ials which you must work through before the class for which they are assigned. Not only must you work through the assigned frames, but you should study the summary and work the assigned problems at the end of each section. The main function of the class discussion will be to answer guestions raised by the materials and to be sure that you get the help you need with each assignment. Thus, you are expected to attend each class, and you must do the assignment before the class if the class is to be helpful to you. IMPORTANT NOTE ON WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE: THE FINAL DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM ANY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE WITH AN — AUTOMATIC "w" IS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1982. AFTER THAT DATE VIRTUALLY NO WITHDRAWALS WILL BE PERMITTED. THIS POLICY APPLIES TO ALL STUDENTS-- BOTH BUSINESS AND NON-BUSINESS STUDENTS--ENROLLED IN ANY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE. CHECK THE INFORMATION WINDOW IN BUSINESS 224 FOR THE DETALLED WITHDRAWAL POLICY IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS. oC ——