m zoo -i 4 End-of-Section Date Text Assignment Exercises Other Assignments M Aug. 31 Preface, To The Student 1.1 Introduction to the Computer Ex. 1-6 W Sept. 2 1.2 Introduction to FORTRAN Ex. 1-4 Ex. 6, Section H.3 1.3 Punched Cards š Keypunching Ex a (due Sept. 9) NE ou Lo MK a IL L Me Septo--/ 2.1 FORTRAN Data and Variables Ex. 1-5 2.2 Arithmetic Operations Ex. l-4 Mo Septo.9 2.3 FORTRAN Coding Ex. 1-3 OUiZ-I Ex. 6, Section 1.3 due SA ANIN NAJ a ee ene orati eo ooo —-— — M Sept. 14 3.1 Input Operations Ex. 1-4 I Lab Problem 2.1 3.2 Input Operations Cont'd Ex. l-4,5a,6b assigned (due Sept. 23) W —Sept.- 10 3.3 Output Operations Ex. 1-4 A PORN Areno — zo vg M , Sept. 21 3.4 Output Operations Cont'd Ex. 1-5 OVIZ 2 W. Sept. 23 4.1 Logical Capability of the Ex [2 I Lab Problem 2.1 due TI Lab Problem 3.2 Computer assigned (due Sept. 30) A AA ARIANA ae a — M Sept. 28 Review T Sept. 29 (7 p.m.)FIRST HOUR EXAMINATION II Lab Problem 3.2 due Ex. 1-4,7 III Lab Problem 4.1 assigned (due Oct. 14) NANA AA AA ej ere W Sept. 30 Discussion of Exam ' 4,2 Basic Flow Chart Patterns M, Oct. 5 4.3 Counting, Summarizing and Ex. 1-4 Averaging Sec. 4,3, Ex. 5-/ 5.1 Developing the Flow Chart (flow chart only) W. Očt 7 Flow Charting Sec. 5:1; Ex. la,la OVIZ 3 (a flow chart) III Lab Problem 4.1 due IV Lab Problem 5.2 assigned (due Oct. 28) NM ero mM 5.2 The Process of Debugging Ex. l,2a,3a 5.3 Program Development Work out flow chart for Lab Problem 5.2 SO A AA rope oe ia ona oo Ex. 1-4 Flow chart for Lab Problem 5.2 due Nč der. 10 Flow Chart for Lab Problem 5.2 M.- Oct. -19 6.1 Looping and the DO statement 6.2 The DO Statement Extended Ex. 1-5 Yo s0rt. 21 7.1' Arrays Ex. 1-4