| noopTavr NOTES | Lab problems I-VII may be done in pairs. With prior agreement by the instructor, each such pair of students may turn in only one completed problem, and both students will receive the same grade on the problem. It is important that both students work on and fully understand each problem. If one of the pair does not do his/her share, the other may declare the partnership null and void, and each student in the former pair shall turn in his/her own completed exercises. FEach pair is to completely do its own work without consulting any other students. Partners will be changed at least once during the semester. The Lab problem due dates are firm unless a change is announced in class. A 10Z penalty will be levied for each class period a Lab problem is late. The exam dates and guiz dates are also firm. Relative weights of various assignments on grade: First Hour Examination 100 points (16.74) Second Hour Examination 100 points (16.7%) Third Hour Examination 100 points (16.7%) Final Examination 150 points (25.0%) Ouizzes 1-6 (Low guiz score will be dropped if student is present for all 6 guizzes) 20 points each for a total of 100 points (16.7Z) Lab problems I-III and V 5 points each for a total of 20 points ( 3.3%) Lab problems IV,VI, and VII 10 points each for a total of 30 points ( 5.0%) TOTAL 600 points (100 %) At the end of the course, your total points will be divided by 6 to give your final average. (Grades for the course will be based on the final average. No exact breakpoints between letter grades will be set until the course is over, but approximately the following scale will apply. 100.0 - 90 At, A, A- 89,9 - 80 Br; 8, B- 19.9 - 70 Ct; C; C- 69.9 - 60 pt; D, D5 59.9 and down F