10. nei 2: An I in a printed numeric data field in the output indicates: a. da decimal mode variable name was associated with an integer format specification. b. the number to be printed was too large to fit into the area specviflied by the formal specification. c. the program was terminated by a CPU error before printing the output. d. the computer has attempted to divide by zero in the process of producinc that answer, but the result was only printed and not used in a Computat ion. e. none of the above A documentation package includes all of the following except: a. description of what the program does. b. input/output formats. c,: flow chlart. d. object program. e. test data with correct results. Which of the following statements is correct? a. A FORTRAN program which was compiled may or may not run to a normal termination. b. "Test data are used to detect syntax errors. c. A FORTRAN program that could not be compiled may or may not run to a normal termination. d. A syntax error may be caused by not providing for an end-of-data check. e. none of the above The format specification used for printing a variable whose valuc is 15.9 was F4.2, What kind of output will be printed for this specific data field? a; 15.90 Dao 1,99 CA d. kkkk e. none of the above in which phase of the process of program development are the programs first run with actual data? : a. operation and maintenance b. conversion c. flowcharting d. debugging e. documentation Indicate which of the following FORMAT statements could be correctly used with the statement: READ (5,2), IT, X, Y, Z a) 2 FfRMAT (2I3, 3X, F3.0, 1X, F4.4) b) 2 FYRMAT (16, A2, 2F4.0, I2) c) 2 FfARMAT ('0', I5, 2X, 3F4.0) d) 2 FORMAT (2A4, F6.6, 2X, F3.2) e) none of the above