s: s 2D 7. An X in a printed numeric data field in the output indicates a. da decimal mode variable name was associated with an integer format specification. b. the number to be printed was too large to fit into the area specified by the format specification. c. the program was terminated by a CPU error before printing the output. d. the computer has attempted to divide by zero in the process of pro- ducing that answer, but the result was only printed and not used in a computation. e. none of the above 8. It is freguently desirable to generalize programs to make them applicable '. to a variety of situations without modifying the program itself. This may be accomplished by using variables instead of constants in the program, and giving these variables values by reading a special card preceding the data cards. These variables are referred to as a. initializers. b. parameters. c. test data. d. specifiers. e. none of the above 9. Which of the following statements contains an error? du. DP 20 [51.5.3 b. IF (A.GT.B) X-X%%(3./2.)-4, c. Df 30 I