7. A seguence of statements that are executed repetitively for a specificd number of times is a(n) a. DO loop. b. uncontrolled loop. C. count-controlled loop. d . condition-controlled loop. e, bobha bna bv a vala 8. 'Subseripts for an array can be any FORTRAN variable. can be any integer number. must be in integer mode. . both a and ce, nO]oyo P 9. Parameters are used in a program to a. create a program that is easy to document for future use. b. make the program more applicable to a variety of situations withou modifying the program. C. simplify the debugging process. d. complicate the program for security reasons. e. both c and d. Če 10. Program maintenance is the process of a. re-punching cards as they become too worn to be read by the card reader... b. modifying the data collection and data entry system when new situations arise so that the program can be used with no changes. c. changing or modifying programs from time to time to keep them up-to-date and useful. d. nassuring the operation of the computer by periodic scheduled maintenance .. of the CPU. še: e. none of the above. The following guestion is worth 8 points. ll. Consider the following array X: X;-5.2 X,<-2.0 X,--8.1 X,z3.1 X,:6.7 xg-10.0 X,<0. x,-0. a. What statement is necessary to reserve memory space in the computer. for the array X? MMEUSEBN X(8) 2 gts b. Specify the value of each of the following array elements if K-2: i. Xx(K)< Bi iii. X(5-K)- mot gzllowed ii. X(3%K)- O. iv. X(K-3)- UWdetmed [.S 9t5 each (rovnd vp 27 end ot exzm)