. The following guestions are worth 3 points each. A l. Diagnostic error messages provided by the compiler a. result from FORTRAN Syntax errors that make it impossible to translate the program into a workable Computer program. b. indicate that test data should be used to find the Source of the error. C. result from a mistake in the deductive reasoning process used to design the program. d. result when the network of decisions in the Program does not properly isolate the conditions that may arise. The format specification used to print the variable TGT whose value is 44226.1 is F7.2. What kind of output will be printed for this specific data field? A. ZILIIII b, 'Xkkkaka c. 44226.10 de XXAXENXX Debugging is a. the method used to collect the data that will be used by your program. b. defining the data that a FORTRAN program can use. C. the process of translating a FORTRAN program into a machine language program. d. the process of detecting and Correcting errors in your program. e. none of the above Which of the following statements contain an error? a. DG 30 J<1,LAX b.. DG 40 M<-20,45,11 c.. D$ 26 I-J,K,x d. IF(Xt2..E0.Y-2.) GA TG 20 e. none of the above The STOP statement a. indicates to the compiler that the entire program has been read and that translation may proceed. b. .must come at the physical end of each program. C. cCauses the computer to terminate running the current program and allows it to proceed to the next program. d. is a nonexecutable statement. e. is all of the above. The documentation package for a computer program should include a. a description of the input and output files. b. a flowchart and a program listing. C. the variable names used in the program and a copy of the test data used with the results, d. instruction on how to run or use the program and a description of what the program does. e. all of the above. Mo Per! Čpedč