E., V 4] Given the following input: aka ConypovRrjaa) | 96 / pse - code Card Column Description 1-9 I.D. No. Šps/ dina 10-37 Name tea 38 Sex Šars JE o0s7 box OVE ob 41-42 ; State Code ; ; 43-45 Hours Completed SM a PRIREJI RP NI 46-47 Concentration Code J 48-49 Second Concentration Code Dey oč o, oe 50-59 Telephone No. Prepare a detailed flowchart to represent the program that would produce s a list of senior (at least 86 hours completed) males (sex code 1) witha concentration in Business (code 26 in either columns 46-47 or 48-49). Each line should include I.D. number, name, and telephone number. Also, you are to print the number of males. k bas upuč [aco 4 ba. m V4 šu B wegnive ZD. AM, OSTner) Če. / NIS S ;AG 4 ome VAR/AB US Z9, vo >NS 2) S7 Mas, Caw2, Cowz. [/ post det ie A CoReceč ROE. ij S pova SPL skle: Sasa, p bdš