23. We have student data cards with the following layout: Card Columns Description of field 1-7 Student Identification Number 8-30 Student Name 31-32 State Code (Ind-32) 33-34 Sehool Code (Bus<05) 41-43 Hours Completed 44-46 Ouality Points Earned 47-48 Hours enrolled this semester We wish to read these cards and print out a list of all students from Indiana who are not in the Business School, giving name, hours completed, and GPA (Ouality points divided by hours completed). After all the cards have been read, we wish to print out the average hours :currently enrolled for students from Indiana, and the average hours currently enrolled for all students from Indiana who are net in the Business School. The end-of-data card has a negative number in columns 1-7. (20 pts) a) Prepare a detailed program flow chart for this program using the ANSI standard symbols.