6. "The operating system does not perform the following function: a) provides access to programs in the program library. b) translates FORTRAN programs into machine language programs. c) initiates and terminates jobs. d) provides access to data in the files. e) none of the above. 7. Which of the following constants is invalid in FORTRAN? a) 4231 b)<<0 c) -.077 d) 5,421 e) none of the above. 8. In a system using seguential access (magnetic tape) files a) we use index tables to locate the file record that corresponds to a given control key. b) we use terminals to inguire about the status of file records. c) we update a file record, change it, and write it back on the same tape. d) in order to update the file we must collect a batch of transactions and sort them into the same seguence as the file. e) none of the above. 9. When using a direct access file, one must locate the proper record in the file on the basis of a given value for the identification number of the desired record. "The method by which the desired record is located is referred to as the file a) initialization. b) terminal. c) organization. d) conversion. e) none of the above. 10. In a table, the function is: a) the array that stores the values of the data element by which the table is entered. b) the variable that is obtained from the table to be used in subseguent calculations. c) the array that stores the values that are obtained from the table. d) the variable that represents the value that is used to locate the desired line in the table. e) none of the above. ll. Which of the following is an invalid FORTRAN variable name? a) X100 b) K-201l c) ND4SK d) STING e) none of the above.